Did you know that your tweets and Facebook posts can affect your insurance claim if you are involved in an accident? The attorney’s at Mallard Perez want you to be aware of the possible consequences of your tweets and Facebook posts.
For example, if you call your insurance company and tell them that you have been involved in a hit and run accident, but then go on Facebook and tell everyone through a status update that you told the insurance company a lie, the insurance company can subpoena your Facebook account and see your status update. If this happens, you can be charged with filing a fraudulent claim.
According to a recent report by Timetric, a provider of online data, analysis and advisory services, these types of scenarios are occurring more frequently than you would think. A study done earlier this year by Timetric found that fraud investigators use social media to investigate auto, fire, and burglary claims the most.
A spokesperson for Timetric says people are posting on their Facebook page or tweeting things that can be used against them in a claims investigation. He even went as far to say “some are more direct and some are more indirect.”
Indirect posts include comments about the driver’s habits, such as, speeding, drinking and driving, texting and driving, and so on.
Social media has become another tool to use against those who try to make fraudulent claims. We at Mallard Perez are interested in keeping you up to date with the latest technology when it comes to investigating your claims. We advise you to be careful what you say and do on social media- you never know who is watching.