Visit this section of our website to find answers to all of your Florida automobile, motorcycle, tractor trailer and pedestrian accident questions.
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My husband was driving home from work when a drunk pedestrian stepped in front of his car and was hit—who is at fault?
Are there certain times during the day when pedestrian accidents are more likely to occur?
The truck in front me had a blowout, and I crashed when a huge piece of tire tread hit my car. Is the truck driver liable for my injuries?
I don’t think that my child is being hit or bullied in daycare, but something is definitely wrong—what could be happening?
How do I go about reporting suspected nursing home abuse?
I suffered a Colles fracture when a car pulled out in front of my bicycle and made me crash. How much money should the insurance company offer me to settle?
How much is a motorcycle injury claim involving reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome worth (RSD)?
Should I give a recorded statement to the insurance adjuster after a truck crash?
I suffered serious injuries as a passenger on a bus that crashed and rolled over. Should I file a lawsuit against the driver, bus company, or other vehicles involved?
What are some warning signs of a sex offender?
Could my elderly mother’s aspiration pneumonia have been caused by neglect in her nursing home?