It looks as though a federal mandate to use speed governors—also known as speed limiters or Electronic Control Modules (ECM)—will take effect early next year for large trucks. While an official limit on truck speeds has not yet been set, it is expected to be just under 70 mph.
Safety advocates have raved about the effect that this new law could have on highway safety. Many truck accidents are caused by or worsened by excessive speed; as speed increases, a truck’s controllability and braking ability decreases.
Will Speed Limiters Really Help?
On the other hand, many people are opposed to the idea, including many truck drivers. Many accidents involving trucks are caused by cars maneuvering dangerously to get around slower-moving trucks. By further limiting trucks’ speeds and thereby increasing the potential for increasing speed differentials between trucks and cars, the margin for error is increased.
If you have ever tried driving 65 mph on a highway where every other car is going 75 mph, you know how drivers around you react. This is why some are wondering if governing truck speeds trough federal regulation as opposed to carrier policy is only tipping the scales towards speed governing in all vehicles.
What Can You Do to Help?
While this regulation alone will not make you safer, it is raising many important questions and discussions that will, indeed, make our roads safer. Your safety on the road starts with you and your own driving habits. If the speed governing rules take effect and you pass slower trucks with caution and care, then you may be able to enjoy safer highways.
While ECMs can help eliminate speeding, they will not eliminate negligent truck drivers. If you have been hurt by a reckless or careless truck driver, you do not need to face the insurance companies and legal system alone. Click on our live chat feature now to connect with an attorney at a firm, and get started on your case today.
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