Florida personal injury lawyer Damian Mallard, of Mallard Perez, explains in this video why he wrote a book for accident victims. The video explains why you should get a copy of this book if you are a Florida resident and were injured in a Florida car accident.


Are you properly insured?  Do you know what to do after an accident? Get the book, The Florida Accident Handbook: What You Need to Know After an Auto, Truck or Bike Accident, provided by Mallard Perez.  This book was written to give you information so that you are properly insured in case you have an accident in Tampa Bay or anywhere else in Florida. This free book is valuable, as it will help you learn what to do after you have been involved in an accident and what to expect in a personal injury claims process.  The book can be mailed to you, and you can even download it to your iPad or Kindle just by clicking on the download link at  Simply fill out the form on the website. The book is free to Floridians.


Call one of our skilled Sarasota accident attorneys at Mallard Perez at 888-409-3805, or you can visit our website to view our insightful resources including our legal library, frequently asked questions, reports and books. We will provide you with a free legal evaluation. We will not charge you a dime unless we get a successful recovery for you.  You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  Call today 888-409-3805.

Damian Mallard, Esq.
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Board Certified Sarasota Personal Injury Attorney