In this video, Sarasota car accident lawyer Damian Mallard of Mallard Perez explains Bodily Injury Insurance  and what it covers if you are involved in an auto accident in Florida. If you have purchased Bodily Injury Insurance coverage through your Florida auto insurance policy, then you are protected if you cause a car accident in which injuries are sustained. Bodily Injury Insurance does not cover you, but covers injuries you may cause if you are at fault in a Florida auto accident. If you have been involved in a Florida car accident in Tampa, St Petersburg, Sarasota, Orlando, or Jacksonville and have questions, please contact us for a free consultation.
Mallard Perez, 3431 Magic Oak Lane, Sarasota, Florida 34232. Call us toll free: 888-409-3805
Damian Mallard, Esq.
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Board Certified Sarasota Personal Injury Attorney