Purchasing automobile insurance can be confusing and overwhelming for many people, as insurance agents do not usually explain the different types of insurance coverage. This is why we created this video so that you can learn about the different insurance options in order to make a sound decision that could affect you in the event of a crash.
There are several types of insurance coverage under Florida law, including:
- Personal injury protection insurance, also known as PIP coverage. This type of insurance covers 80 percent of your medical bills and 60 percent of your lost wages, regardless if you were at fault for the accident.
- Medical payments insurance. This is optional insurance that you can purchase to cover your medical bills in the event of a Sarasota car accident. This coverage allows you to save your PIP benefits for your lost wages.
- Bodily injury coverage. If you are at fault in the accident, this insurance covers the people who are injured in the other vehicle.
- Uninsured motorist coverage, also called underinsured motorist coverage. This insurance covers you if you are involved in a crash with a driver who is not insured or does not have enough insurance to cover your damages.
After successfully handling many auto accident cases, Mallard Perez can answer your questions about auto insurance coverage. Feel free to call us at 888-409-3805 with any questions you may have for a free initial consultation.