Middle School student, Brian MacLean is being punished for his efforts to stop a bully who was carrying a knife. He thought he heard some students picking on one of his classmates. When he heard a knife open, he shoved the bully away from his classmate.
School officials are claiming he tried to be a “hero” and they stress against that. The school’s Vice Principal said the school doesn’t “condone heroics” and stressed that a teacher should always be called in situations of bullying.
However, Brian MacLean didn’t think there was enough time to bring it to the attention of a teacher. His quick thinking may have saved a life.
Some bullying experts are saying he should be commended- not punished. Richard Brenner, author of 101 Tips for Targets of Workplace Bullies, said the school and “the administration is sorely in need of some education about bullying policy.”
For more information on bullying download our FREE REPORT, The Bullying Handbook- What you need to know to protect your children from bullies.