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Parents send their children to the Boy Scouts so they can thrive in a safe environment. Scouts get to hike, build things, help others, go on field trips, learn how to camp, and even design and race model cars. As scouts become older, they get to go more places and learn how to do many more things—even welding. Because parents know that their children seem to enjoy these activities and are in groups with other boys, they typically trust that their sons will be safe and looked out for. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case.
Even though each troop has a number of adults on hand to supervise boys, many children have become victims of child abuse in the Boy Scouts. Each troop has a senior patrol leader, scoutmaster, adult troop leaders, and troop youth leaders that are supposed to be there to guide children through curriculum and make sure children are kept safe during their outings. Although adult leaders are supposed to complete specific training for their positions, older children are often left in charge of younger children with no training. Sadly, many children have been abused by older scouts.
Release of Perversion Files Could Prevent Florida Child Sex Abuse in Boy Scouts
Many parents have been shocked to find out that the one place they send their child to learn and grow could also be the same place their son was harmed. Unfortunately, sexual abuse has occurred in the Boy Scouts and has been kept hidden. In fact, the Boy Scouts of America has kept a long-standing record of scout-on-scout sexual abuse, but has failed to share this critical information with parents, children, and the public.
The truth of the matter is that if the Boy Scouts organization had shared this information, it would have helped other boys who were confronted with a similar scenario. Instead, younger boys were not trained or equipped with the information to know what to do if a teen leader attempted any of the following acts:
- Fondling
- Oral sex
- Other sexual acts
- Rape
As a result, three younger, smaller boys were physically and sexually abused in Southwest Florida by two different troop members in 2007 and 2009. Sarasota child abuse attorney Damian Mallard, who represents the three boys, has called for the release of the “perversion files.” These are the records the Boy Scouts of America kept of all boy-on-boy sexual assaults. Because these files could help prevent Florida child sexual abuse from reoccurring in the Boy Scouts, the victims in this suit want justice and want to know why these documents were never made public.
When Boy Scout leaders are negligent and fail to properly supervise older scout leaders, abuse can occur. When children are abused, they deserve justice, answers, and compensation, which is exactly what Mallard Perez intends to bring these affected families.
If your son was a victim sexual abuse in Sarasota, contact Mallard Perez today. To speak with a Florida child abuse attorney in a free, private consultation, call us at 888-409-3805. Additionally, you can request a free copy of our book, When the Unthinkable Happens: Your Guide to Florida Child Abuse Claims.