Aside from driving, biking is one of the most popular forms of transportation in Florida. While being a healthy, convenient way to travel, biking can also be dangerous if the driver behind the wheel of a vehicle - or behind the handlebars of a bicycle - is negligent. This negligence could lead to a catastrophic Florida bicycle accident, which almost always causes serious harm to the cyclist.

If you or someone you love has been seriously injured in a Florida bike wreck, you need to order a FREE copy of The Florida Accident Handbook: What You Need to Know After an Auto, Truck or Bicycle Accident. This book, written by the Sarasota bike wreck lawyers at Mallard Perez, contains the information you need to know about your rights and options after sustaining serious injuries in a Florida bike accident.

If you are a biker in Florida, there are some rules you need to know and adhere to. These rules are not only to keep you from getting into legal trouble, but are in place to protect you and lessen the possibility that you may be involved in a Florida bicycle crash.
  1. Use Your Head - Wear a helmet. Even though helmets are only required for riders or passengers under 16 years of age, you should still wear this very important piece of safety equipment. When used properly, bicycle helmets have been found to reduce the incidence of head and brain injuries. 
  2. Light Up - In Florida, cyclists are required to have lamps on their bikes when riding between sunrise and sunset. Theymust have a white lamp on the front of the bicycle, visible from 500 feet, and both a red reflector and a red lamp on the rear of the bicycle, visible from 600 feet.
  3. Go With the Flow - Not only is it safer to ride with traffic, it's also the law. Bicyclists must ride with traffic in a designated bike lane or as far to the right as practicable. 
  4. Make Your Intentions Known - Bikers have the responsibility to signal their intentions during the last 100 feet of their travel before making a turn.
  5. Obey the Rules - As a vehicle on the roadways, you are required to pay attention to and adhere to traffic signs and signals. 
  6. Listen Up - Bicyclists may not wear headsets, headphones or other listening devices, other than hearing aids, when riding.
  7. Yield to Pedestrians - When riding on a sidewalk or crosswalk, bikers must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and must give an audible signal to make their presence known before passing.
  8. Don't Drink and Ride - In Florida, a bicycle is legally defined as a vehicle; therefore, along with having the same rights as other vehicles, bikers also have the same responsibilities. This means it is illegal to ride while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
By following these 8 rules of bicycle riding, you could drastically reduce your chances of involvement in a Florida bicycle accident with another vehicle.

If you or someone you love has been seriously injured in a Florida bike crash, you need to speak with an attorney. Contact Mallard Perez at 1 (888) 409-3805 to schedule your free consultation with a Sarasota bike accident lawyer today.

Damian Mallard, Esq.
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Board Certified Sarasota Personal Injury Attorney