When you have collected all the information about your injuries, you can pursue a settlement. It can take many weeks or even months for your attorney to reach an out-of-court settlement with the truck driver, his trucking company or another third party that was responsible for the Florida truck crash. If the trucking company and their insurance company do not make a fair offer within a reasonable timeframe, then you and your Sarasota injury lawyer may decide to proceed to court.
If you take your case to court, it can also take many weeks or sometimes months to reach a verdict. The majority of personal injury cases get resolved somewhere between three and nine months. However, some cases have been resolved sooner and others have taken longer.
To find out more about your case, call a skilled Sarasota injury lawyer at Mallard Perez today at (888) 409-3805 for a free, no-obligation consultation of your case and for a complimentary copy of our book, The Florida Accident Handbook: What You Need to Know After an Auto, Truck or Bicycle Accident.