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When two cars approach a four-way intersection that is void of traffic controls, there are right-of-way rules to help drivers avoid crashing into each other. For example, if the two cars get to the intersection at about the same time, the driver to the right has the right-of-way. This means that in your situation, the other driver was probably supposed to yield to you.
In Florida, just like in most states, when vehicles come from different streets or highways at the same time, the driver on the left yields the right-of-way to the driver on the right in an uncontrolled intersection. However, if a driver is already in the intersection and the other car has not entered the intersection, then the driver in the intersection has the right-of-way.
Unfortunately, there is a lot of confusion surrounding uncontrolled intersections, especially when both cars want to travel straight ahead in the direction they were already going. In order to avoid a car accident, one driver needs to wait his or her turn. This is why it is critical for all drivers to know who has the right-of-way in uncontrolled intersections.
Fortunately, most uncontrolled intersections are in residential neighborhoods where the speeds are slower than highway speeds. By traveling at a slower speed, drivers may be able to avoid hitting each other; however, even at slower speeds, car crashes can still cause serious injuries.
If you live near an uncontrolled intersection, please share this information on Google Plus with your neighbors, friends, and family to help them avoid being in an uncontrolled intersection accident.