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Seniors in nursing homes depend on their caregivers to provide them with food, water, clean sheets, and medication, among other things. While many nursing homes do a great job at providing exceptional service and care for elderly patients, other homes don’t give residents the care they need.
Sometimes nursing home workers have the best interest of their patients in mind, but the problem is above them. When the nursing home owner and administrator do not provide their workers with the proper resources or staffing, the workers at these homes are not able to properly care for the residents. This means that corners are cut, residents are neglected, medications are missed, and overdosing of patients occurs. All are forms of Florida nursing home abuse.
Unfortunately, when staff levels are too low, nursing home workers have been known to purposely overmedicate patients with psychiatric medications. This action has become known as “chemical restraints,” which is a problem in Florida nursing homes.
Why Do Workers Purposely Overmedicate Residents?
Nursing homes that are understaffed cannot provide the necessary assistance that many elderly residents need, like getting out of bed or going to the bathroom. Workers are constantly being called for assistance and are very busy in understaffed nursing homes. This is why workers in these nursing homes turn to overmedication—making patients more lethargic.
When seniors receive too much medication that alters their ability to function and reduces their quality of life, Florida nursing homes should be held accountable for this horrific act. If your loved one is a victim of Florida nursing home abuse, please contact an experienced Sarasota elder abuse attorney . Contact Mallard Perez today at 888-409-3805 for a free initial consultation.