Why is Mr. Tomaselli’s credibility being called into question? The following is an analysis of the key points of both sides of the claims:
- Mr. Tomaselli’s attorney says that the records do not match up with the allegations because Mr. Tomeselli did not travel on the team’s flight. Instead, he travelled on a bus with college boosters and helpers.
- U.S. Secret Service agents searched Fine’s home in Fayetteville, New York as part of an ongoing federal investigation.
- Mr. Tomaselli says that he did not come forward until 2008 because he did not know that what happened was considered sexual abuse.
- Mr. Tomaselli claims that he is deeply religious and therefore that the behavior was sinful and his own fault.
- Mr. Tomaselli’s attorney claims the lawsuit limits the amount of details only because he is still investigating whether there are claims against Syracuse officials and the school itself as well.
- Mr. Tomaselli’s father has previously stated that he believes his son is lying.
- Mr. Tomaselli faces criminal charges in Maine that he molested a young boy. He plans to plead guilty and claims that speaking out against Fine is part of an attempt to take responsibility for his behavior.