It is very important that you have annual reviews with your insurance agent or any time your circumstances change. When you get a copy of your insurance policy after your renewal, you should read through it and take note of any changes. Lifestyle and life changes may have occurred that require an update on your policy or increased limits.


When you are reviewing your insurance policy with your agent, you want to make sure that your lifestyle is matching your coverage. For example, if you have a child who has gone away to college and he or she has a car or bought a car, or perhaps you exchanged cars with your child to drive, you need to notify the insurance company on what changes have occurred and ensure that there is ample insurance coverage. That way, an insurance company cannot come back to you and say you didn't tell them about this circumstance change and deny your claim.


A change of circumstances can be a divorce, death of a spouse, a child who's left the home, or child who now has an automobile. Whatever it is, you should report this change the insurance company to make sure you proper coverage.


If you feel you are underinsured, make sure you discuss this concern with your insurance agent to make any necessary changes. There is nothing worse than being uninformed and on what insurance coverage you have. You would definitely be upset if an accident occurred and you could have had better insurance coverage. Be proactive with your insurance agent. If you don't understand how your policy works, have the agent explain it to you.


It is your responsibility to make sure that you are adequately insured should an accident occur. I recommend that you regularly have your insurance coverage reviewed by your insurance agent to make sure you are appropriately insured. After all, you are the one who will be left to pay the price if you lack the right amount of coverage.


If you have been involved in an auto accident please call the qualified Sarasota accident injury attorneys at Mallard Perez for a free consultation today. You can reach us at 888-409-3805 and receive answers to your legal questions simply by calling today. Also, fill out a form on our website to receive a free copy of our book What You Need to Know After a Florida Auto, Truck or Bike Accident.

Damian Mallard, Esq.
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Board Certified Sarasota Personal Injury Attorney
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